Massachusetts v. Michelle Carter
Photo by Pat Greenhouse/The Boston Globe via AP, Pool)/Art by Lia Kantrowitz/VICE
Is Telling Someone to Commit Suicide a Crime? That's the question at the heart of the trial of Michelle Carter in Massachusetts, who prosecutors say repeatedly told her boyfriend to kill himself via text message until he finally went through with it. Sept 2, 2015, VICE
Interview on BBC Scotland June 6, 2017
The Bizarre Trial of the 20-Year-Old Who Texted Her Boyfriend to Kill Himself Michelle Carter faces 20 years in prison after her high school boyfriend killed himself. Prosecutors want to put her personality on trial. June 7, 2017, VICE
Suicide-by-Text Trial's Latest Twist: It Was the Drugs Michelle Carter, accused of goading her boyfriend into suicide via text when she was 17, wants a judge to believe she was sent over the rails by antidepressants. June 13, 2017, VICE
The Suicide-by-Text Trial Comes Down to a Judge's Ruling Twenty-year-old Michelle Carter faces up to 20 years in prison for allegedly goading her boyfriend into killing himself. June 14, 2017 VICE
Inside the Tense Courtroom When the Suicide Texter Was Found Guilty Michelle Carter faces 20 years in prison for telling her boyfriend to commit suicide.June 16, 2017, VICE
Michelle 'Suicide-by-Text' Carter Just Got Sentenced to Jail The 20-year-old was convicted of manslaughter in June for telling her boyfriend to kill himself. Aug 3, 2017, VICE
Suicide-by-Text Is a Disturbing New Form of Domestic Violence Prosecutors dealing with a real problem risk painting women as having almost supernatural powers with which to manipulate. November 6, 2019, VICE